27 Dresses hit a little too close to home. Not to toot my own horn but I am the Best Maid of Honor ever. Toot! Toot!! At this point, I have it down to a fine art. The speech that brings tears and laughter to the audience, the bridal shower which I will not only organize and cater but where I will also act as the florist, therapist, stylist and diet coach, the thoughtful keepsake for the bride which she will cherish forever and last, but certainly not least, the bachelorette party that is worth a lifetime of memories and gut-wrenching laughter (and if I have anything to say about it a run-in with the law!)

Flirty Girl Fitness – These ladies have thought of everything! You can take a pole dancing or strip-tease class, get manicures and pedicures and there is even a bar service. My girlfriends and I learned a choreographed pole dance to Santa Baby. Now that is a girl’s night out!!
Eva Longoria wore a pair of these before her big day as did a handful of other celebrities.
T-Shirt Deli – create a cute tank top that reads “Mrs. X” (fill in bride’s new surname). She will love it and she’ll be relieved that she won’t have to spend hours deciding what to wear to the bachelorette party! If you really want to wow the bride, you can print shirts for the bridal party as well. This is not only a cute gesture but it also helps keep track of a large group in crowded places (we all know this only gets more difficult throughout the night as more martinis are consumed and penis paraphernalia is lost!)
Do you have a friend about to enter into a lifetime agreement called marriage?? If so, I have tools for you sister!!
Bachelorette Party Activities:
Design Your Own Lingerie Party by Evlove Intimates - The ultimate bachelorette party activity.
To start, pour a glass of wine and select your favorite style (there are 10 to choose from including G-string, boy short, or thong on the bottom and bralet or cami up top). Next choose one of the lush fabrics (modal, lace, nylon mesh). And finally, add the finishing touches or trim (ribbon, braid, satin) and an applique (bow or flower).

In three weeks and you’ll receive your very own, specially designed lingerie set in a silky, lingerie bag.

“I get so much joy out of helping women celebrate their beauty—it’s why I started the company and why I am passionate about my work. I think the lingerie parties have become so popular because they give women a unique opportunity to play lingerie designer and truly create something that is one of a kind!” said owner Jenny Dombroski. “The experience is fun, memorable and best of all the bride gets the perfect gift – one she creates herself!”

“I get so much joy out of helping women celebrate their beauty—it’s why I started the company and why I am passionate about my work. I think the lingerie parties have become so popular because they give women a unique opportunity to play lingerie designer and truly create something that is one of a kind!” said owner Jenny Dombroski. “The experience is fun, memorable and best of all the bride gets the perfect gift – one she creates herself!”

Flirty Girl Fitness – These ladies have thought of everything! You can take a pole dancing or strip-tease class, get manicures and pedicures and there is even a bar service. My girlfriends and I learned a choreographed pole dance to Santa Baby. Now that is a girl’s night out!!
Gifts for the Bride:
Cutest Bridal Flip Flops by Girl Two Doors Down’s – adorned with a crystal ring and inscribed with the wor
ds, “What’s mine is mine, what’s his is definitely all mine — I do!!”

Eva Longoria wore a pair of these before her big day as did a handful of other celebrities.
Handmade Photo Album by AI Paper Design – A heartfelt keepsake for the bride to be.
I usually present this to the bride at the shower, near the end of the festivities.
As guests come in, they are asked to pose for a Polaroid picture, then they write a piece of advice (on marriage or their thoughts on love) onto pretty paper. The inside of the album consists of envelopes so I attach the photo of the guest (by using photo corners) on the front side of the envelope and their advice goes inside. Someone had better give me one of these for my wedding. I’ve given several and every time I think “I kind of want to hold on to this for when my time comes.”
T-Shirt Deli – create a cute tank top that reads “Mrs. X” (fill in bride’s new surname). She will love it and she’ll be relieved that she won’t have to spend hours deciding what to wear to the bachelorette party! If you really want to wow the bride, you can print shirts for the bridal party as well. This is not only a cute gesture but it also helps keep track of a large group in crowded places (we all know this only gets more difficult throughout the night as more martinis are consumed and penis paraphernalia is lost!)
Paper Doll – the cutest invitations and albums are found in this charming Wicker Park boutique. They also feature modern stationery and gifts.
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